Who Is the Dictator of Burma?Know Him And Help Stop Him
Dear friends,
Today is day #20 of our 30-day video campaign for Burma.
Today's piece, starring Ellen Page, exposes to the general public -- for the first time -- who is the military dictator in Burma. For far too long, Than Shwe has terrorized the people of Burma with his brutal rule and countless crimes against humanity.
While much of the world knows about the crimes of dictators Slobodan Milosevic in former Yugoslavia, Pol Pot in Cambodia, Omar Al-Bashir in Sudan, and Adolf Hitler in Germany, practically no one knows about Than Shwe.
No two dictators are exactly alike, and Than Shwe is his own kind of monster.
We want the world to know who he is -- so that he can no longer terrorize the people of Burma behind closed doors (his most recent crime -- denying aid to desperate victims of the Burma cyclone).
Please spread this video as far and wide as you can. It (and the 19 previous videos) can be seen at http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=kkK80nIQ%2Fv6SddyXR38lRHDMvzpmcOS8 and http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=t5luhpjhiqd9jbc2pCo%2FR3DMvzpmcOS8 and also http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=K%2F9AJDGvQAJxeMjltWONgnDMvzpmcOS8
After you watch the video, please sign up to help stop Than Shwe at http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=HqOf8f0zh32SCjYfh7mA0HDMvzpmcOS8 We are organizing a campaign of one million people to join together for human rights in Burma and to stop Than Shwe. Tell your friends, family, and colleagues to sign up today.
Aung Din, Jeremy Woodrum, Jennifer Quigley, Thelma Young
Support 1991 Nobel Peace Prize recipient Aung San Suu Kyi and the struggle for freedom and democracy in Burma. Become a member of the United States Campaign for Burma today.
Today's piece, starring Ellen Page, exposes to the general public -- for the first time -- who is the military dictator in Burma. For far too long, Than Shwe has terrorized the people of Burma with his brutal rule and countless crimes against humanity.
While much of the world knows about the crimes of dictators Slobodan Milosevic in former Yugoslavia, Pol Pot in Cambodia, Omar Al-Bashir in Sudan, and Adolf Hitler in Germany, practically no one knows about Than Shwe.
No two dictators are exactly alike, and Than Shwe is his own kind of monster.
We want the world to know who he is -- so that he can no longer terrorize the people of Burma behind closed doors (his most recent crime -- denying aid to desperate victims of the Burma cyclone).
Please spread this video as far and wide as you can. It (and the 19 previous videos) can be seen at http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=kkK80nIQ%2Fv6SddyXR38lRHDMvzpmcOS8 and http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=t5luhpjhiqd9jbc2pCo%2FR3DMvzpmcOS8 and also http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=K%2F9AJDGvQAJxeMjltWONgnDMvzpmcOS8
After you watch the video, please sign up to help stop Than Shwe at http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=HqOf8f0zh32SCjYfh7mA0HDMvzpmcOS8 We are organizing a campaign of one million people to join together for human rights in Burma and to stop Than Shwe. Tell your friends, family, and colleagues to sign up today.
Aung Din, Jeremy Woodrum, Jennifer Quigley, Thelma Young
Support 1991 Nobel Peace Prize recipient Aung San Suu Kyi and the struggle for freedom and democracy in Burma. Become a member of the United States Campaign for Burma today.
今日はビルマのための私達の30日間のビデオキャンペーンの日#20である。 Today' sの部分、エレンの主演のページ、一般大衆への暴露 -- はじめて -- ビルマの軍の独裁者はだれであるか。 ずっと余りに長くのために、Shweより人間性に対して彼の残酷な規則および無数の罪のビルマの人々を恐怖に陥れた。 世界の大部分が旧ユーゴスラビアのカンボジア、スーダンのオマールAlバシル、およびドイツのAdolf Hitlerのポールの鍋の独裁者のSlobodan Milosevic罪について知っている間、事実上誰もShweよりについて知らない。 2人の独裁者はShweが彼自身の種類のモンスターであるより丁度同様、ではないし。 私達は世界に彼がだれであるか知ってほしい -- 彼がもはや閉鎖したドア(彼の最新の罪の後ろのビルマの人々を恐怖に陥れてもいくないように -- 援助をビルマのサイクロンの絶望的な犠牲者に否定する)。 できるとこのビデオをあまねく広げなさい。 ビデオを見た後それ(および19前のビデオwww.uscampaignforburma.orgで私達がビルマの人権のために一緒に結合し、Shweより停止するために百万人のキャンペーンを組織しているwww.uscampaignforburma.orgでShweより停止を助けるために)、参加するおよびwww.burmaitcantwait.orgおよびまたhttp://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=uscampaignforburma見ることができる。 あなたの友人、家族および同僚を今日参加するように言いなさい。 誠意をこめて、
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