Peaceful Burma (ျငိမ္းခ်မ္းျမန္မာ)平和なビルマ

Peaceful Burma (ျငိမ္းခ်မ္းျမန္မာ)平和なビルマ






“ညီၫြတ္ေရးဆုိတာ ဘာလဲ နားလည္ဖုိ႔လုိတယ္။ ဒီေတာ့ကာ ဒီအပုိဒ္ ဒီ၀ါက်မွာ ညီၫြတ္ေရးဆုိတဲ့အေၾကာင္းကုိ သ႐ုပ္ေဖာ္ျပ ထားတယ္။ တူညီေသာအက်ဳိး၊ တူညီေသာအလုပ္၊ တူညီေသာ ရည္ရြယ္ခ်က္ရွိရမယ္။ က်ေနာ္တုိ႔ ညီၫြတ္ေရးဆုိတာ ဘာအတြက္ ညီၫြတ္ရမွာလဲ။ ဘယ္လုိရည္ရြယ္ခ်က္နဲ႔ ညီၫြတ္ရမွာလဲ။ ရည္ရြယ္ခ်က္ဆုိတာ ရွိရမယ္။

“မတရားမႈတခုမွာ သင္ဟာ ၾကားေနတယ္ဆုိရင္… သင္ဟာ ဖိႏွိပ္သူဘက္က လုိက္ဖုိ႔ ေရြးခ်ယ္လုိက္တာနဲ႔ အတူတူဘဲ”

“If you are neutral in a situation of injustice, you have chosen to side with the oppressor.”
ေတာင္အာဖရိကက ႏိုဘယ္လ္ဆုရွင္ ဘုန္းေတာ္ၾကီး ဒက္စ္မြန္တူးတူး


Ban’s visit may not have achieved any visible outcome, but the people of Burma will remember what he promised: "I have come to show the unequivocal shared commitment of the United Nations to the people of Myanmar. I am here today to say: Myanmar – you are not alone."


Without participation of Aung San Suu Kyi, without her being able to campaign freely, and without her NLD party [being able] to establish party offices all throughout the provinces, this [2010] election may not be regarded as credible and legitimate. ­
United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon

Where there's political will, there is a way

စစ္မွန္တဲ့ခိုင္မာတဲ့နိုင္ငံေရးခံယူခ်က္ရိွရင္ႀကိဳးစားမႈရိွရင္ နိုင္ငံေရးအေျဖ
Burmese Translation-Phone Hlaing-fwubc

Friday, June 6, 2008

AI report onHuman rights concerns a month after Cyclone Nargis, 人権のアムネスティ・インターナショナルのレポートはサイクロンNargisの後の月にかかわる


Myanmar Briefing-ミャンマー報告
Human rights concerns a month afterCyclone Nargis


On 2 and 3 May 2008, Cyclone Nargis devastated much of southern Myanmar,especially the densely populated Ayeyarwady (Irrawaddy) delta and areas close to the country’s most populous city, Yangon (formerly Rangoon). Tens of thousands ofpeople were killed and hundreds of thousands lost their homes and livelihoods. Yet Myanmar’s government, the State Peace and Development Council (SPDC), refused to acknowledge the scope of the disaster and provided little assistance to the estimated 2.4 million survivors of the cyclone. Furthermore, for three weeks, the SPDC rejected international assistance and blocked access to the Ayeyarwady delta at the time when survivors most needed food, shelter, and access to medicine. Instead, a week after the cyclone, as victims were still struggling to survive, the SPDC diverted crucial resources away from disaster relief toward holding a rubber stamp referendum to approve a new and deeply flawed constitution.1 By deliberately blocking lifesustaining aid, the SPDC violated the right of hundreds of thousands of people to life, food, and health, and created a massive human rights disaster on top of the
humanitarian crisis.
2 5月3日で2008年のサイクロンNargis南ミャンマーの多くを荒廃させた、国の最も人口稠密な都市、ヤンゴン(以前ラングーン)の近くの特にAyeyarwady密に住まれた(Irrawaddy)デルタそして区域。 数万人の人々は殺され、数十万は彼らの家および暮しを失った。 けれどもミャンマーの政府、サイクロンの推定2.4百万人の生存者に災害の規模をおよび少し援助認めるために断られる州の平和および開発議会(SPDC)。 なお、3週間、SPDCは国際的な援助を拒絶し、Ayeyarwadyのデルタへのアクセスを時生存者薬へのほとんどの必要な食糧、避難所およびアクセス妨げた。 その代り、犠牲者としてサイクロンの後の週は、まだ新しいの承認するためにゴム印の国民投票を行うことの方に、災害救助からのSPDCによって転換された重大な資源存続するために努力して、慎重にlifesustaining援助を妨げることによる深く傷が付いたconstitution.1は生命に、SPDC数十万人の人々の権利に違反した、食糧および健康、および大きい人権の災害の上に作成されて人道主義の危機。
On 23 May, the SPDC finally agreed to allow international assistance inresponse to tremendous international pressure. Since then, the SPDC has granted at least 45 international UN staff visas, and allowed a small number of additional
international nongovernmental aid workers to visit the worst-affected areas of the Ayeyarwady delta. These steps are welcome but do not provide sufficient assistance to the huge population of displaced and homeless survivors. Tens of thousands of people continue to face the risk of death, disease, and malnutrition. On 4 June, the World Food Program (WFP) described access to the delta as “an ongoing challenge” at a UN press conference in Bangkok. Moreover, the onset of the rainy season in the delta brings increased flooding, making access to the region and the distribution of
assistance even more difficult.
5月23日に、SPDCは最終的に国際的な援助を可能にすることに同意した途方もない国際的な圧力への応答。 それ以来、SPDCは少なくとも45の国際的な国連スタッフの査証を与え、少数の付加的な国際的な非政府の援助に労働者がAyeyarwadyのデルタの最も一番被害が大きい区域を訪問することを可能にした。 これらのステップは歓迎であるが、転置されたホームレスの生存者の巨大な人口に十分な援助を提供しない。 数万人の人々は死、病気および栄養不良の危険に直面し続ける。 6月4日に、世界食糧計画(WFP)はバンコクで国連記者会見で「進行中の挑戦」としてデルタへのアクセスを記述した。 さらに、デルタの雨期の手始めは高められたあふれることを持って来、地域へのアクセスおよび困難な配分をさらにもっと援助のする。

1 The 10 May referendum was postponed to 24 May in the 47 worst-hit townships. For more information on Myanmar’s flawed new constitution, seeMyanmar: Constitutional referendum flouts human rights, 9 May 2008.
1つは5月の10日国民投票47の最も被害が最も大きい町区の5月24日延期された。 ミャンマーの台なしにされた新しい憲法のより多くの情報のために、ミャンマーを見なさい: 体質性の国民投票は人権5月9日2008年を軽視する

Since declaring the end of the rescue and relief phase of the cyclone Nargis response on 20 May 2008 the SPDC has ordered increasing numbers of victims to eturn to their villages while still traumatised and with no food, shelter or other aid to help them once they return. Amnesty International’s ongoing research suggests that since that time, the SPDC has stepped up its campaign to force homeless cyclone survivors out of government and unofficial resettlement sites and back to their original villages, even though many villages remain uninhabitable. Government officials also
have continued to block or divert aid meant for the worst-hit areas, notwithstanding pledges by the SPDC’s senior leadership to the contrary.
サイクロンNargisの救助そして救助段階の終わりの宣言以来 5月20日に応答は2008日SPDC犠牲者の増加する数をに発注した戻ればそれらを助けるためにまだ衝撃を与えられる間村へのそして食糧、避難所または他の援助無しのリターン。 アムネスティ・インターナショナルの進行中の研究はその時間以来、ホームレスのサイクロンを強制するためにSPDCがキャンペーンに力を入れたことを提案する多くの村が住むことができなく残るのに、政府および非公式な再定住場所からのそして元の村に戻る生存者。 国家公務員はまたSPDCの年長のリーダーシップによって帖当にもかかわらず最も被害が最も大きい区域のために、反対に意味される援助を妨げるか、または転換し続けた.

The SPDC’s disregard for its own population is not new. The humanitarian crisis in the aftermath of Cyclone Nargis, exacerbated by the SPDC’s initial intransigence, is occurring in the context of ongoing, grave and longstanding human rights violations. On 2 June Louise Arbour, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, said in her final address to the Human Rights Council: “In the case of Myanmar, the obstruction to the deployment of such assistance illustrates the invidious effects of long-standing international tolerance for human rights violations that made such obstruction possible.” The SPDC currently holds at least 1,850 political prisoners in poor conditions, while nearly all key political activists remain behind bars or in hiding. The government systematically and routinely harasses and detains its critics. On 27 May, the detention order of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, the SPDC’s most prominent critic, was renewed. She enters the sixth consecutive year of her current house arrest. For over two years in eastern Myanmar, the army has waged a continuous offensive in which ethnic Karen civilians are targeted for killings, torture, forced labour and forcible displacement.
自身の人口のためのSPDCの無視は新しくない。 人道主義者 SPDCの頭文字によって悪化させるサイクロンNargisの影響で危機固執は進行中、重要なおよび長年の人権の違反という点において、起こっている。 6月の2日ルイーズアーバー、人間のための国連高等弁務官権利は人権議会に彼女の最終アドレスで、言った: 「ミャンマーの場合には、そのような援助の配置への妨害は説明するそのような妨害を可能に」。した人権の違反のための長年の国際的な許容の不当な効果 SPDCは現在少なくとも1,850を保持するほぼすべては政治運動家を調整するが悪い条件の政治犯は棒の後ろにまたは隠れることに、残る。 組織的の政府は定期的に評論家を悩ませ、引き留め。 5月27日に、Daw Aung San Suu Kyi、SPDCの最も顕著な評論家の延滞の順序は、更新された。 彼女は彼女の現在の自宅軟禁の第6連続した年に入る。 東のミャンマーの2年以上、軍隊はカレンの民族の一般市民が殺害、苦悶、強制労働および強制的な変位のために目標とされる連続的な抗勢を行った。

Myanmar’s appalling human rights record is not the backdrop to the cyclone aftermath, but is squarely at the centre of it. Therefore, respect for human rights must be at the centre of the relief effort. International human rights norms and
principles provide safeguards to ensure the security and dignity of survivors, as well as the protection, assistance, and reintegration of displaced people and other vulnerable groups such as women, children, and ethnic minorities. Human rights principles should also guide the reconstruction, rehabilitation, and resettlement efforts.
ミャンマーの愕然とする人権記録はサイクロンへ背景幕ではない余波はそれの中心に、しかし方形にある。 従って、人権の尊重は救助活動の中心であるなる。 国際的な人権の標準および主義は女性、子供および少数民族のような転置された人々そして他の傷つきやすいグループの保護、援助および再統合と同様、生存者の保証そして威厳を、保障するために安全装置を提供する。 人権の主義また復元、リハビリテーションおよび再定住努力を導くべきである。

Amnesty International is aware of the enormous challenges facing any government after a disaster on this scale, but the organization believes that it is imperative to ensure that security, order, and restoration of public services are not
achieved at the expense of human rights. Delivery of aid has now started on a massive scale, but there are insufficient mechanisms to ensure effective distribution. It is imperative that the SPDC immediately ensures that its officials, including at the local level, do not obstruct aid, and urgently addresses shortcomings in accountability. The donor community should address the broader human rights and governance issues inthe efforts to save lives in the Ayeyarwady delta.
アムネスティ・インターナショナルは公共事業の保証、順序および復帰はないことを保障することは命令的であることをこのスケールの災害、構成が信じたが後政府に直面する巨大な挑戦に気づいている人権を犠牲にして達成される。 援助の配達は大きいスケールで今始まってしまったが、有効な配分を保障する不十分なメカニズムがある。 ローカルレベルに含んでいる役人が援助を妨げない保障し、緊急に責任能力の欠点に演説することをSPDCがすぐにことは命令的である。 供給のコミュニティはAyeyarwadyのデルタの生命を救うための努力のより広い人権そして支配の問題を扱うべきである


‘Mercy Fleet’ Surrenders to Than Shwe’s Iron Will , Than Shweの鉄への慈悲の艦隊の降伏は

The US has ordered its four Pacific fleet warships, packed with supplies for Burma’s cyclone survivors, to end their fruitless wait for permission from the Burmese junta to join in the international relief mission.

The ships, headed by the aircraft carrier USS Essex, will head for neighboring Thailand from the position they have been maintaining for the past three weeks in international waters off the Burmese coast, the Pacific fleet commander, Adm Timothy J Keating, announced.

航空母艦USS Essexによって先頭に立たれた船はずっとビルマの海岸の沖で国際水域の過去の3週の間維持している位置からの近隣のタイに向かう、Adm Timothy J Keating、太平洋艦隊の司令官は発表した

USS Essex, center, and the Essex Amphibious Ready Group steam in formation, in the Andaman Sea. The US military ordered the navy ships loaded with relief aid off Burma's coast to leave the area Thursday after Burma's junta refused to give them permission to help survivors of last month's devastating cyclone. (Photo: AP/US Navy)
USS Essex, center, and the Essex Amphibious Ready Group steam in formation, in the Andaman Sea. The US military ordered the navy ships loaded with relief aid off Burma's coast to leave the area Thursday after Burma's junta refused to give them permission to help survivors of last month's devastating cyclone. (Photo: AP/US Navy)
In a press statement released at the US air base in Utaphao, Thailand, Keating said: “I am both saddened and frustrated to know that we have been in a position to help ease the suffering of hundreds of thousands of people and help mitigate further loss of life, but have been unable to do so because of the unrelenting position of the Burmese military junta.”
Keating said he and American officials had made at least 15 attempts to persuade the Burmese regime to allow the US ships, helicopters and landing craft to carry relief supplies to the cyclone victims—“but they have refused us each and every time. It is time for the USS Essex group to move on to its next mission
Keatingは米国の船、ヘリコプターおよび着陸飛行機がサイクロンの犠牲者に救助の供給を運ぶように彼およびアメリカの役人がビルマの政体を説得する少なくとも15の試みを試みたことを言った.しかし彼らは私達をいつも断ったあることが。 それはである次の代表団に進むUSS Essexのグループの時間」。
The US ships, carrying more than 5,000 military personnel, including marines, had been taking part in a naval exercise in Thai waters before being ordered to join in the international effort to take relief supplies to cyclone survivors in the Irrawaddy delta and Rangoon Division.

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The US “mercy fleet” of four vessels also carried 22 helicopters, including aircraft capable of heavy loads, and four landing craft.
A French ship that also joined the seaborne relief mission shortly after the cyclone hit sailed for Thailand last week and unloaded their supplies at the holiday island of Phuket.
The US and French readiness to bring aid to cyclone victims within hours of receiving orders to do so sparked a debate in the highest government, diplomatic and academic circles over the legality and advisability of launching a unilateral humanitarian intervention, over the opposition of the Burmese regime and its allies.

Michael Charney, of the University of London’s School of Oriental and African Studies, said the US was reluctant to anger countries like China and India, who were not only allies of Burma but eyed that country’s natural resources.

“Beijing’s happiness is much more important to US political leaders than the wellbeing of Burmese villagers,” Charney said.
Even if the US had wanted to act unilaterally to help the cyclone victims, it would have been unable to do so because its military resources were already overcommitted, particularly in Iraq and Afghanistan, Charney said. “It could not handle yet another military crisis, one so far from the Persian Gulf.”
Mikael Gravers, an expert on Burma at Aarhus University in Denmark, commented:
“Humanitarian intervention is a very difficult question. If relief and military actions are combined there is risk of combining a military conflict and a post-disaster situation and thus increasing human suffering.”

ミカエルの彫刻刀、コメントされるデンマークのオルフス大学のビルマの専門家: 「人道主義の介在は非常に困難な質問である。 救助および軍事活動が結合されればある軍事衝突およびポスト災害の状態を結合し、こうして人間の苦労を高める危険が」。
Kyaw Zaw, a Burmese graduate of the London School of Economics and Political Science, said if western forces became involved in any military move to topple the Burmese’s regime it would result in “a nightmare scenario.” Western democracies, anyway, had no strategy for regime change in Burma.

西部力がによって「悪夢のシナリオで」。起因するビルマ人の政体をぐらつかせるあらゆる軍移動で複雑になったかどうかKyaw Zawの経済学および政治学のロンドンの学校のビルマの卒業生は、言った とにかく西部の民主主義にビルマの政体の変更のための作戦がなかった。
Burma lacked material assets that might attract potential western invaders, Kyaw Zaw said.
“What are the most attractive assets we have left? The only attractive asset is natural gas and that’s been ear-marked already by the Chinese and Thais. This isn’t Iraq or Iran.
ビルマは潜在的な西部の侵略者を引き付けるかもしれない有形資産にKyaw Zaw言った欠けていた。「私達が残した魅力的な資産は何であるか。 唯一の魅力的な資産は天燃ガスであり、それは中国人およびThaisによって既に指定される。 これはイラクまたはイランではない。
Some Burmese commentators say the very presence of US warships off the Burmese coast might have brought some pressure on the regime. They point to junta leader Snr-Gen Than Shwe’s assurance to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon that international aid workers would be allowed access to cyclone survivors, although the general appears to be retreating from that promise.

何人かのビルマの解説者はビルマの海岸の沖の米国の軍艦のまさに存在が政体の圧力を持って来るかもしれないことを言う彼らは国連事務総長をBan Ki-moon会議のリーダーの保証を大将がその約束から退くようであるが国際的な援助の労働者がサイクロンの生存者へのアクセスを与えられること指す
Discussion in the west was anyway moving away from the cyclone crisis to Burma’s longer term problems, such as the sham referendum and constitution, the worst since the Japanese-imposed one of 1943, said Michael Charney.
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