Brazil launches Amazon rainforest protection fund - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
Where there's political will, there is a way
စစ္မွန္တဲ့ခိုင္မာတဲ့နိုင္ငံေရးခံယူခ်က္ရိွရင္ႀကိဳးစားမႈရိွရင္ နိုင္ငံေရးအေျဖ
Burmese Translation-Phone Hlaing-fwubc
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Brazil launches Amazon rainforest protection fund - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
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Burmanet » Independent Mon News Agency: Iron Cross forced to delay show in support of cyclone victims by junta: "Independent Mon News Agency: Iron Cross forced to delay show in support of cyclone victims by junta
Independent Mon News Agency: Iron Cross forced to delay show in support of cyclone victims by junta"
VOA News - Burmese Comedian Appears in Court After 2-Month Detention
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Exile says democracy in Myanmar needs new military ,流浪者はミャンマーの必要性の新しい軍隊の民主主義を言う
Associated Press
First Posted 22:35:00 08/01/2008
MANILA, Philippines -- Democracy is still possible in Myanmar but only if moderates take control of the military and work with the opposition and cooperate with the international community, a political exile said here Friday.
But Win Min, a lecturer at Thailand's Chang Mai University and a foreign affairs specialist, said he sees no political change in his homeland as long as junta chief Senior General Than Shwe remains in power.
しかし会議の主な年長大将が力に残る限りThanShwe彼が彼の故国の政治変更を見ないことをWinMin、講演者およびタイChang Mai大学の外交の専門家は、言った。
He was speaking ahead of demonstrations planned in Manila to mark the 20th anniversary of a failed student-led uprising in Myanmar, also known as Burma, which led to his exile.
"The military alone will not make a change," said Win Min. "The mass movement alone will not make a change. International pressure will not make a change.”
" 単独で軍隊は変更、"を行なわない; 言われた勝利Min.の" 単独で大衆運動は変更を行なわない。 国際的な圧力は行なわない変更を」。
“We need all three coming together," he told journalists in Manila where he was invited by the Center for International Studies at the University of the Philippines to speak on the situation in Myanmar.
「私達は一緒に来る3つをすべて"必要とする; 彼は彼がフィリピンの大学の国際的な調査のための中心によってミャンマーの状態で話すように誘われたマニラのジャーナリストを言った。
Win Min was a medical student who took part in the student movement in Myanmar until the 1988 uprising that was brutally suppressed by the military government.
He said some of his close friends were killed and he was forced to flee into exile in Thailand where he continued working for the pro-democracy movement.
His visit to Manila comes one week before a series of protests planned by the Free Burma Coalition, a Philippine activist group seeking democracy for Myanmar and the release from house arrest of pro-democracy leader Aung Sang Suu Kyi.
マニラへの彼の訪問は一連の抗議がミャンマーのためにビルマの自由な連合、フィリピンの運動家のグループの追求の民主主義および民主化のリーダーAungSang SuuKyiの自宅軟禁からの解放によって計画した1週前に来る。
The group's activities will culminate on August 8, the 20th anniversary of the 1988 uprising.
Win Min said hopes for change in Myanmar's military leadership may lie with 75-year-old Than Shwe's waning health.
Beijing Olympics Boycott for Burma,北京のオリンピック ビルマのためのボイコット
Dear comrades,
I want to remind all of you with these old videos but still new and bloody.
In solidarity.
Phone Hlaing-fwubc